Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Swaffham banner

I've been asked by Swaffham (Norfolk UK) Mothers Union to make a new banner for them, replicating their old one which you can see here. The fabric is so old that the blue around the outside edge is almost white.
I had a job & a half to find the right blue. Eventually I found some beautiful silk at Watts & co in London behind Westminster Abbey. Extremely pricey though.
The symbols on the banner are interesting: crossed keys & crossed swords for the saints Peter and Paul. Here's the original with swords.
And the beginnings of the new ones: transferred onto the back & then sewn through with cotton thread to mark the front
Here are the new ones embroidered on.
I've had another job and a half (that makes 3 jobs now doesn't it?)to try & get the gold fabric that is appliqued on for the cross & lettering but after emailing 7 different companies today a few of them have started to reply and have said they will send samples. It's a really unusual lurex that looks like it has real metal in it. Who knows how old it isIn the end I used gold kid for the cross and crown. It worked well but my poor fingers were very sore from pushing the needle through the leather.
Attaching the gold cord took ages but it finally took shape and started to look like the real thing.



Blogger Sew Sue said...

I envy your craftsmanship, your work is so beautiful. Sue

7:11 am  

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